It aims to create a cross-border network to develop an inclusive system through the exploration, development and consolidation of quality dual university training. Respond to the challenge of territorial cohesion by strengthening cooperation between universities, colleges and the socio-economic and professional fabric in the framework of Lifelong Learning programmes.
Acronym: DUAL - Transversalis
Principal Investigator of the project: Alfredo Berbegal Vázquez
Contact: abrbgal@unizar.es
Total cost: 224.595,47€
FEDER: 145.987€
It is a project of continuity (sustainability) and innovation (strategic action) of previous editions (Transversalis 2007-13 and LLL-Transversalis 2014-20). Based on the joint development of dual university training, it will enable the creation of a cross-border area that responds to the challenge of professional integration and support for the economic development of our territories. It aims to create a cross-border network to develop an inclusive system through the exploration, development and consolidation of quality dual university training. Experimentation will be carried out in university vocational training linked to strategic socio-economic areas of the territories involved: tourism, agri-food, IT and industry.
The general objectives of the work are as follows: 1) to adapt university courses for cross-border dual training and double diplomas, particularly at master's degree level; 2) to structure and professionalise the network of public and proven actors and agents responsible for promoting this type of training (coordinators, teaching staff, tutors, mentors, academic and business trainers9 ; 3) to propose and consolidate the cross-border mobility of long-term students; and 4) to progressively build a cross-border area of lifelong learning. The partnership is composed of the University of Perpignan (coordination), the University of Zaragoza, the University of Toulouse, the University of Andorra, the University of the Basque Country (Foundation for Technical Training in Machine Tools), the University of Girona and the University of Lerida. The University of Zaragoza will have three associated partners that will guarantee the development and impact of these proposals for the partnership as a whole: the University of Pau, the University of La Rioja and the Agency for Quality and University Prospective of Aragon (ACPUA).
The Dual - Transversalis project has been co-financed 65% by the European Union through the Interreg VI- A Spain-France-Andorra Programme (POCTEFA 2021-2027). The objetive of POCTEFA is to strengthen the economic and social integration of the Spain-France-Andorra border area.